Our coupons offer fantastic savings and rewards for both you and the person who shared the code with you. Here’s how:

  • R50 Discount: Enjoy an R50 discount on every item in your shopping cart when you use a coupon code.
  • R30 Store Credit: The owner of the coupon code receives R30 in store credit for each item you purchase using their code.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers.


What happens when I use a coupon code at checkout?

A R50 discount is applied to every item in your cart. The person whose code it is then also receives R30 store credit for each item in their store wallet.

How do I get my own permanent Coupon Code?

When you create an account at UNQ Clothing, you will receive an email containing your personal coupon code.

How do I make the most of my Coupon Code?

Share Your Code – Spread the savings by sharing your coupon code with friends, family, and anyone who loves a good deal.

Earn Store Credits – Every time someone uses your coupon code, you earn R30 in store credits. The more your code is used, the more credits you accumulate!

Remember, there's no limit to how much you can earn. Keep sharing your code and watch your credits grow. With enough referrals, you could be getting our stylish T-Shirts for less – or even for free!

Random Chance – While you can't apply your own coupon code to your purchases, your code might still appear at checkout for others! We randomly display different clients' coupon codes to ensure everyone gets a chance to enjoy discounts and support our community.

Nobody shared their R50 off every item coupon code with you yet ? Don’t worry! Click the GET COUPON button to receive a randomly selected code from all our registered clients, ensuring everyone always receives the discount.


Don’t have your very own coupon code yet? Sign up for an account [here] to receive a free R50 off each item in your cart coupon code. It’s not for personal use, your Coupon is intended for sharing, allowing you to earn R30 in store credit for every item purchased using your code. After you have signed up, your code will also be added to the pool for other people to randomly get.


Join us in supporting our community and spreading the savings!

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